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About the Artist

Never stop exploring! It wasn’t until her Junior year in high school that artist Lauren Bonner, now 23, realized she had a niche for painting. A proud native of beautiful Pensacola, Florida, Lauren is currently a fifth year student at the prestigious Savannah College of Art and Design: University for Creative Careers, where she is pursuing a B.F.A. in painting. 


Lauren has always been interested in the arts, having spent 10 years performing as a singer and dancer with the Pensacola Children’s Chorus and enjoyed learning to play piano. When Lauren was a junior in high school, she chose painting as one of her electives. It was then she was inspired to paint her first watercolor piece.  The memorable piece is a picture of Grant G., a four year old family friend.  Grant sadly lost his battle to childhood cancer in 2016, but he continues to inspire her today!


The more Lauren learned about childhood cancer, the more she was motivated to help with the cause by creating canvas memories for other families whose children have battled childhood cancer. With her talent and also her time, Lauren began volunteering, advocating, and raising awareness for childhood cancer by donating her funds from sales to Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research. 


Lauren fell in love with philanthropy and expressing her art through painting. She instantly knew that painting and other forms of visual art would become her passion and began making a plan for her future. Lauren worked hard learning new techniques and experimenting with a variety of mediums. After a few paintings under her brush, she was hired to create her first commissioned piece. Since that time, she has been fortunate enough to continue to produce dozens of paintings while also donating paintings to a variety of non-profits to help them raise funds for their organizations.

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